A Successful Speech is Inseparable from Reyn Audio

From 29th to 31st Mar, 2017, Shanghai jiading auto exhibition center held lecture by Rocky Liang, the theme is "how to refresh the record of new industry”, It attracted more than 20,000 people came, there were no empty seats in the scene.

This is the most important decision and practical course. Rocky Liang is super master orator, and good at international marketing. He always keep to learn knowledge about all field of industry from TOP one masters, and believe in the importance of learning and have clear objectives. So far, Rocky Liang has been invited to many parts of the world for holding speech. In 2016, he who is as the first speaker in the world to hold a speech in the Bird's Nest, the speech include 100,000 people.

Rocky liang Shared his experience about How to refresh the record again and again.The presence of the audience that benefits a lot, and heartfelt sigh “Such courses even the rich cannot learn."

In addition to higher-ups level speaker, there are super stars to come. The goddess Lin Zhiling, the godfather of music, Huang guolun gives the best wishes. Famous singer terry Lin is lit music, lit the whole atmosphere of the venue with exquisite song.

Reyn Audio main equipment at the speech: RL-1 ,M600 and RL-1 SUB.

RL-1 、M600 以及 RL-1 SUB